Why trade your old loan for a new one? Glad you asked. If interest rates have dropped since you bought your vehicle, refinancing can save you hundreds of dollars. If monthly car payments are stretching your budget, switching to a longer repayment period can ease the crunch. Or if you want to free up money for other things in your life, you might want to pay off your car faster than originally planned.
- Save money with low, fixed interest rates
- Pick a repayment period that works for you
- Take advantage of an easy online application process
Loan Protection
Your vehicle is a big investment. Make sure you're financially covered in case something unexpected happens.
- Payment Protection makes sure your loan payments are taken care of if you are laid off from your job, are disabled, or pass away. It can eliminate all or part of your remaining loan balance, protect your credit rating, and create financial security for your family.
- Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP) covers your vehicle if it is stolen or damaged beyond repair. It pays the difference between your insurance company settlement and the balance remaining on your Andrews Federal loan.
Andrews Federal Credit Union is a full-service financial institution with stateside locations in Washington, D.C., Maryland, Virginia and New Jersey, as well as overseas locations in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.