New and Used Motorcycle Loan Rates

Find your zen and a good loan deal.

That feeling of freedom shouldn't come at a high price.

We've learned that the kind of people who love motorcycles often aren't the kind of people who like to study small numbers with decimal points. So while we invite you to take note of low loan rates that will save you a lot of money over the long haul, we understand if you simply choose to rev up your engine and head down the highway.

Kick-start your journey with our motorcycle loans.

Harley Davidson Motorcycle Loans

New Harley Davidson Motorcycle Loans APR as low as1 Payment Per $1,000 Borrowed
36 months 11.39% $33.24
48 months 13.89% $26.54
60 months 12.39% $22.68
72 months3 12.89% $20.23
84 months2 13.39% $18.61

New Motorcycle Loans (non Harley Davidson)

New Motorcycle Loans APR as low as1 Payment Per $1,000 Borrowed
36 Months 12.39% $33.75
48 Months 12.89% $27.06
60 Months 13.39% $23.21
72 Months3 13.89% $20.79
84 Months2 14.39% $19.19

Used Motorcycle Loans (non Harley Davidson)

Used Motorcycle Loans APR as low as1 Payment Per $1,000 Borrowed
36 months 12.99% $34.05
48 months 13.49% $27.38
60 months 13.99% $23.54
72 months3 14.49% $21.12
84 months2 14.99% $19.53

The Credit Union offers other rates and terms for these loan products. Please email us at to inquire about additional terms and rates.

Rewarding Checking

Kasasa Cash Checking
We’re always looking for ways to give you more. That includes our outstanding checking options powered by Kasasa. With Kasasa Cash Checking, you can earn higher dividends on your checking account balances — up to 6.00% APY. And, you’ll continue to have access to all the best benefits that come standard with Andrews Federal membership, including Early Direct Deposit, mobile check deposits, Digital Banking access and more.

Earn 6.00% APY* with Kasasa Cash Checking, a free checking account that pays high dividends.