Business Partnership Checking Rates

Rates that pay you for your positive cash flow

Rates to help scale your business

Every day you're taking risks to grow your business. You deserve a checking account that comes with certainty. We can guarantee your money will be safe and you'll earn a yield on your balances.

Put these rates to work for your business.

Business Partnership Checking Rates

Annual Percentage Yield (APY) Minimum to Earn APY
0.050% $5,000

Rewarding Checking

Kasasa Cash Checking
We’re always looking for ways to give you more. That includes our outstanding checking options powered by Kasasa. With Kasasa Cash Checking, you can earn higher dividends on your checking account balances — up to 6.00% APY. And, you’ll continue to have access to all the best benefits that come standard with Andrews Federal membership, including Early Direct Deposit, mobile check deposits, Digital Banking access and more.

Earn 6.00% APY* with Kasasa Cash Checking, a free checking account that pays high dividends.